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Andrea Kohlhase


Spreadsheets have become very popular tools for analyzing and visualizing data from business and science. To better understand human-spreadsheet interaction, we explore readers' information models, but in contrast to most studies we focus on spreadsheet readers rather than spreadsheet authors.

We conducted a study using the repertory grid technique and analyzed the result with the help of a Generalized Procrustes Analysis yielding a deeper understanding of human's information model of spreadsheets. Based on this we envision new human-spreadsheet interactions to increase the readibility and thus, usability of spreadsheets.


Interpretation of spreadsheet information model
Interpretation of spreadsheet information model

Using Principal Components Analysis we identified two dimensions along which readers interpret spreadsheets: perception of the interface and perception of information.

These dimensions represent relations between the information objects. They can serve as an information model of spreadsheets and consequently suggest innovative forms of human-spreadsheet interaction.


2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8120, pages 571-578

Full article

Human-spreadsheet interaction