52 easy ways to prevent spreadsheet problems
8 ways to avoid worksheet errors
A comparison of automated and manual spreadsheet error detection
A comparison of spreadsheet users with different levels of experience
A computational framework for the near elimination of spreadsheet risk
A conceptual model for measuring the complexity of spreadsheets
A critical review of the literature on spreadsheet errors
A disciplined approach to spreadsheet development
A domain terms visualization tool for spreadsheets
A dynamic graph-based visualization for spreadsheets
A framework for the identification of spreadsheet usage patterns
A generalised spreadsheet verification methodology
A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets
A graphical trap for unwary users of Excel 2010
A literature review of spreadsheet technology
A maintainability checklist for spreadsheets
A mental model perspective for tool development and paradigm shift in spreadsheets
A methodology for testing spreadsheets
A methodology to improve dependability in spreadsheets
A novel approach to formulae production and overconfidence measurement to reduce risk in spreadsheet modelling
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