Spreadsheets have errors like dogs have fleas. Nine out of every ten spreadsheets suffer some error, and consequences can be severe.
Spreadsheets can be considered to be the world's most successful end-user programming language. Spreadsheet formulas are Turing complete.
Every study that has looked for errors has found them in considerable numbers. Spreadsheeting's childhood is over.
This article walks you through different methods and built-in tools that can be used to audit and debug Excel spreadsheets.
Good spreadsheets are essential for informing decision making. But most spreadsheets are not good. We help you make better spreadsheets.
Connexion is a collection of the most useful and interesting spreadsheet-related articles from the web.
A poorly documented spreadsheet erodes effective use. Our workshops help students develop good documentation habits and skills.
Errors in the data, formulas, or manipulation of spreadsheets could be costly, even devastating.
We can help you make better spreadsheets:
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