Once information is loaded into a spreadsheet, it acquires properties that it may not deserve – a process called reification.
Creating a slow spreadsheet is easy. Creating an efficient spreadsheet requires more thought and application of specific techniques.
This article walks you through different methods and built-in tools that can be used to audit and debug Excel spreadsheets.
60% of large companies feel 'Spreadsheet Hell' describes their reliance on spreadsheets either completely or fairly well.
Do you document your spreadsheets? We use the FizzBuzz word game to illustrate the importance of documenting your spreadsheets.
A poorly documented spreadsheet erodes effective use. Our workshops help students develop good documentation habits and skills.
Connexion is a collection of the most useful and interesting spreadsheet-related articles from the web.
Errors in the data, formulas, or manipulation of spreadsheets could be costly, even devastating.
We can help you make better spreadsheets:
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