We are conscious of very few of our errors. When people are confronted with their actual error rates, they are typically shocked.
Our spreadsheet methodology has criteria for designing, building, and validating spreadsheets to ensure that they work correctly.
Overconfidence is one of the main causes of spreadsheet errors. Being informed about overconfidence leads to more accurate spreadsheets.
"Oh My God" my formulas are not working! This article covers most of the reasons for Excel formulas not working. And how to fix them.
Do you document your spreadsheets? We use the FizzBuzz word game to illustrate the importance of documenting your spreadsheets.
Solver Max provides a collection of optimization model examples in Excel (using the Solver and OpenSolver add-ins) and Python.
This early spreadsheet, a Babylonian clay tablet c.1800 BC, contains several errors. How many errors do your spreadsheets have?
Spreadsheet errors are reduced by using good design. Our students do three assignments to acquire good spreadsheet design skills.
We can help you make better spreadsheets:
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